"I will live with a heart of integrity in my house." Psalm 101:2b


'Hope you'll stay a while!

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I am a student of Jesus, the wife of a wonderful rocker, Tracey, and stay at home momma to our two sweet things, Remy & Halle.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hearts at Home~ Third Thursday Thoughts

Hello, lovelies! Life has been nuts here this summer... recovering from sun and travel and crazy family gatherings! I'm thankful that life is getting back to (what we loosely call) normal!

This month's Hearts at Home topic plays directly off of that sentiment~ now that things are getting back into a routine for the fall, how do you make connecting with your family a priority? What are challenges that you face in trying to stay close?

For us, this is something we are just starting to address. In fact, Trace and I went on a dinner date Tuesday night, and I had sort of an outline of what our weeks were going to be looking like schedule-wise so that we could get a little organized. I can't believe how much we will be out and about during the week, and I don't want to let busyness get in the way of our family life.

Something that we are making a huge effort to guard is family Sabbath time. Especially because of the ministries that we are a part of, our weekends end up just as jam-packed as every other day. So this year we have made the decision that Saturday afternoons and evenings (we have worship practice and Remy's breakdancing in the mornings) are going to be fiercely protected family time. We know that things will come up randomly, but we know that if we don't say it out loud, it will just end up getting looked over. I believe we really need to take God's commandment to rest together seriously, and I look forward to this intentional family time. We don't necessarily know what it will look like, but it will be together time...

We are also going to be tweaking our morning routine. We are early birds in this house, so usually the littles are up by 7 and no one has to be out of the house until 8:30. Breakfast has always been something that we just grab and go, and we've decided that we are going to sit at the table and use the 'Jesus Calling for Kids' devotional in the mornings. Jesus Calling is something that I already use daily and love, and the children's version is just as wonderful and corresponds with the adult one for each day. I'm excited about this time in the mornings to get our day started off right, filled with thoughts of how we can experience Jesus throughout our day!

So how do you stay connected? My kids are still small enough that they don't do any running around on their own, so I think I have an easier task at this point of being able to reign them in. I'd love for you to link up with us! All you have to do is click over to Jill Savage's blog, where you can link up and then see who else is sharing with us today!


  1. I think you will love the morning breakfast/devotion together. It's a routine that will work well as the kids get older. I wish you luck on the Saturday thing...seems like there is always something coming up at that time (watch out for the birthday parties!).

  2. With two of my girls going to the same school this year, I'm hopeful I will be able to do a family breakfast instead of the grab and go we usually do. My oldest and I would read Jesus Calling for Kids at the bus stop last year. It was a great time and it was cool to read something I enjoy with her at a kids level. Thanks for your thoughts!

  3. Thanks for the book suggestion...sounds great.
