"I will live with a heart of integrity in my house." Psalm 101:2b


'Hope you'll stay a while!

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I am a student of Jesus, the wife of a wonderful rocker, Tracey, and stay at home momma to our two sweet things, Remy & Halle.
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Saturday, July 21, 2012

He Sees

"Why should I feel discouraged? Why should the shadows come? Why does my  heart feel lonely, and hope for heaven and home? When Jesus is my portion, a constant friend is He. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me."

There were many moments on my trip to East Africa this summer that were altering. But the one that cut deeply was during our first few days in Uganda when we ventured into a remote village to visit with a pastor and group of young teachers who run a school for village children that travel miles just to get there.

They welcomed us warmly, and the children sang several beautiful songs and played drums. I was taken by the beauty around us... Such a stark contrast, knowing the poverty among the people, the spiritual warfar they daily face and the hardships of their simple lives. But also a great reminder of a Holy God's Presence. But what struck me most was when the Pastor stood up and began to tell us about his school. He simply said 'We don't need to tell you about our need. You can see that. We simply want you to know that we are here. We are here.'

To be seen. I think of the Israelites crying out to God, thinking that He had stopped watching them. And I think of my own desperate times when I feel like He has abandoned me. Each of us has a longing to be known by those around us and by an Intimate Creator who knows everything about us. It is so important for our security to know that His love never fails. His faithfulness endures. And He sees.

The Redeemed Outdoor Collection from Dayspring is about remembering that He sees us. Where we are. In all our mess or surrounded by His beauty.  I love seeing this sweet birdhouse and remembering that! He watches the birds with great care, why would He not watch us?! And for a limited time you can get 25% off your entire purchase with the code: JOY2012!

The fine print: Dayspring sent me products free of charge to review, but all thoughts and opinions are my own!

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