"I will live with a heart of integrity in my house." Psalm 101:2b


'Hope you'll stay a while!

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I am a student of Jesus, the wife of a wonderful rocker, Tracey, and stay at home momma to our two sweet things, Remy & Halle.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hearts at Home Book Pack Giveaway!

Hey, y'all~ Happy Thursday! In honor of my first week here in this space, I thought I would host a little giveaway. Some of you know from my last space that Hearts at Home is a ministry that holds a special place in my heart and my life. If you aren't familiar with Hearts, they are an organization that seeks to encourage and equip moms at every stage. I actually am blessed to be part of the marketing team.
So just in time for Mother's Day, I have two great Hearts at Home books to giveaway to one lucky winner. The first is 'Real Moms... Real Jesus' by Jill Savage and the second is 'Ordinary Mom, Extraordinary God' by Mary DeMuth. Two great books that will help you to embrace your calling as mom, remember Whose you are, and help a tired momma find encouragement, especially on the days when you feel like 'just a mom'... there's no such thing!

From the website:

What does Jesus know about the peanut-butter-and-jelly life of a mom? Plenty! Jill Savage, founder and director of Hearts at Home, introduces the real Jesus to real moms. In chapters that examine key behaviors and decisions Jesus made during His life on earth, Jill brings those lessons right down to the laundry-filled, sticky-fingered days every mother knows.

You may feel like an ordinary, everyday woman, but you're not. You're a woman with an extra ordinary call on your life - motherhood - and you have an extraordinary God to run to when you need emotional, mental, and spiritual renewal. Sixty of Mary Demuth's wise, funny, and Scripture-filled devotions will lighten your spirit and encourage your heart even when laundry threatens, kids are clamoring, and you don't know what to do for dinner.

You have two chances to enter, and the giveaway will end on Sunday night, with the winner announced Monday. (I'm trying out Rafflecopter for the first time... hopefully it works!) The mandatory entry is to leave a comment on this post. You can also like this shared life on facebook for a second entry.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hi I found you through the better writer group on FB
    I also love the Heart at Home ministry! My favorite thing about being a mom. . . I don't know there's so many maybe the hugs and snuggles, those are pretty good right now :)
