"I will live with a heart of integrity in my house." Psalm 101:2b


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I am a student of Jesus, the wife of a wonderful rocker, Tracey, and stay at home momma to our two sweet things, Remy & Halle.
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Everything: a book review

Happy Tuesday, lovelies! I wanted to share with y'all today about a book that I had the privlege of reading before it was published. You are going to love it! Mary DeMuth is an author that I have loved from books and her blog. Her style is great, like talking with your best girl over coffee... I love reading and feeling a closeness with the writer. So when she put out the word that she was looking for a launch team to review her newest book, I jumped at the chance. And Everything arrived in my inbox.

Now calling a book Everything may seem a little pretentious, but the subtitle perfectly rounds it out: What you give and what you gain to become like Jesus. Start to finish, this book challenged me to look at how I live in light of the gospel... and I must admit at some points I didn't like what I saw.

I think I was most challenged by what Mary calls the 'AYDI gospel'. AYDI stands for 'all you do is' and she was talking about our Christian campaigns to 'save' people by luring them into making some sort of decision... 'All you do is pray this prayer and you are done'. But we neglect to tell them the hard parts~ that living the gospel message means laying down your life and dying to yourself. I think this is what Bonhoeffer was speaking of when he coined the term 'Cheap Grace'. We are selling something that doesn't cost anything. And we then have a lot of 'converts' who don't want to or know what it is to become disciples of Jesus. This chapter and others forced me to look at my life, what I'm living and what I'm preaching, to see if they line up with this message of cheap grace, or if I'm truly willing to lay it all on the line to follow Him.

I was also sort of smacked in the face by a chapter about control. I like control. I like to be in charge of my own life (and the others in my life may or may not tell you that I like to be in control of their lives too... ahem...). In the last year, I have really embraced letting Jesus and His Spirit, His Word control me. I have found such freedom in living a life transformed by Him, but I must admit there are areas that I still cling to. And I'm not sure why... control. Mary says this: "We need an exchanged life where Christ woos and changes us. Christianity is not a self-improvement program! It is resurrection! It is a new life! And it is expressed in a total exchange of identity!" Reading this was a lightbulb moment for me~ I can't be a new person if I'm hanging on to some parts of the old. It reminds me of Jesus' example to the Pharisees about the outside of the vessel being clean but being filthy on the inside. It's all or nothing.

I seriously could go on and on and expound upon many other things in this book. It's a great one for whatever point in your journey you may be at, and I feel so thankful for being part of Mary's launch team. She is a woman of tremendous character and ministry! By the way, if you're interested in getting your hands on a copy, you can find it here or here.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Money Matters

Happy Thursday, sweet friends! This month has already been a whirlwind, and it doesn't look like it will be slowing down any time soon. Such is life, no?! My littles have been sick this week, so I'm trying to catch up with the usual stuff on top of the demands of wee ones who don't feel so hot. Argh...

This month the topic for the Hearts at Home Blog Hop is Money. How do you teach your kids about money, stewardship, tithe, etc. Do you assign chores? Give allowances?

This is an area that I'm eager to read about from others. With our littles just being 6 & 4, we are just starting to enter into discussions about what to do here. We have always taught them about giving, whether it be tithing on money that they get or offerings of extra in response to God's gifts to them. But we have been feeling lately like it's time, particularly in Remy's case as he's older, to start teaching more the responsibility end of having money.

Trace and I have discussed chores a little but haven't yet gotten down to the nitty gritty details. We both agree that certain things need to be done (and with a good attitude!) just because they are part of the family and not for money. But we would like to get a short list on paper of things that can be done to earn extra. It's just so hard to decide what's appropriate at this point.

So what are your thoughts here? I am definitely excited to be on the learning end of this month's posts. You can click on over to Jill's blog to see her thoughts and the links of other moms!